Everything will be fine
"Professor!" Someone called out to her from her side. She turned around to see two female students trotting towards her.

"Good morning, Professor. We happen to have some questions for you."

She suddenly got a lump in her throat.

"Professor?" The two female students looked at her strangely.

"Sorry, I seem to have forgotten something. What did you guys want to ask?" She replied as she control her emotions.

The two students had no doubts and asked several academic questions. Despite the very different times, she answered their questions without hesitation, as if her academic literacy had kept up with the times.

But questions still linger deep inside her. Where is Esme Crane? What the hell is going on?

She walked with the two female students to the building, entered the classroom, and started teaching as she was supposed to. It was as if she has done it before, and it didn't feel out of place. The long 90-minute session had finally ended, and she had completed her teaching d
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