Chapter 230: The Controller

The All Black walked out of the portal with his hand on his lips as he coughed out black bloods from his mouth, He fell on his knees and Morgana quickly walked up to him, She has being by The All Black's side all this while.

" The All Black, How did we get like this...We are supposed to be the ones winning this war and not losing " Morgana stated as she helped the All Black to his feet and He dropped the sleeping Nora on the ground.

" This is The Inner we went up against, Damned that brat Jace Vragon, He nearly killed me " The All Black cursed as he slowly approached the Empty field, He weaved hand signs and The Temple appeared.

" Are you talking about Jace Vragon? Nearly killed you, how? I thought you defeated the kid " Morgana asked as she lifted Nora on her shoulder and they started approaching the Temple which is miles away.

" I wouldn't consider that as defeat, The Kid was really underestimated by me, If not for my magic resistance to his great powers, I would be rotten away as a
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