"How did you know I stay here?" She asked in a sleepy voice.

"Let me say you got a stalker". Michael responded the moment he stopped the car. He couldn't tell her he had known where she stayed since they bumped into each other.

"But this isn't your house". She looked at him with a questionable gaze while he climbed out to open her side of the door.

"I know but I want your comfort". He gave her a warm smile. With her drunken state, he would rather walk home on foot than take advantage of her. She had weight more than he expected, he thought to himself as he lifted her into the house.

He couldn't help but pause in astonishment at the beauty of her house, he had acknowledged the fact that she was one with good taste. He didn't know where her room was, and with his leg, he kicked the door closed.

"My room is by the right". She responded like she read his mind, her voice was low as she felt weak.

He hurriedly followed her direction, the passage which led to her room was carefully packed with books hung on a shelf like that of a library. He gave a smile while he tried to fight every urge that would want to make him pause to look into one of the books.

Her room was cozy and smelt like a female room, he carefully dropped her on the bed, and he noticed she had dozed off. After quietly pulling off her shoes, he made his way to leave when the picture on the wall caught his attention. She stood with a group of people in the picture but what took him aback was the necklace she had on. The necklace in the picture looked exactly like the one he had in the house only that it had a small crack.

After a few minutes, he started to leave and carefully closed the door behind him. She must have gone through a lot, he thought to himself. Her house was quiet, he wondered how she was coping living like that, he thought to himself as he walked home. The picture of the necklace brought back memories.


Michael couldn't help but took another bottle of whiskey, he felt heartbroken that Hannah had left him.

"You're one hell of a drinker". He heard a female voice behind him, she sound sarcastic.

"I wish you knew". He chuckled loudly and kept quiet. The last thing he wanted was to talk to a stranger, a girl.

"I know one when I see one". She shouted louder than the music that played.

Jiji's spot wasn't his thing till he was played with emotionally, so definitely this stranger knew nothing about him.

"Thanks". He nodded his head and sipped a little of his drink without glancing at her. He sighed gently he heard nothing from her, he concluded she had gone to look for someone else to be with probably.

The thought of Hannah increased emotions in him, he felt down, and after 4years of dating, he never expected a split. He took the last shot of whiskey, he staggered a little as he tried to stand up. He has had enough time to go, he thought to himself while he took a careful step towards the exit.

"Hey get your hands off me".

Michael knew the familiar voice as he got out of the club, he continued walking towards his car, the last thing he needed was another woman.

"Please stop".

With the plea in her voice, he could tell she was in danger which made him turn around. He saw a man trying to kiss her as she tried to struggle from his grip, and the other man was searching for her bag. They were hoodlums. With the anger he felt in his chest, Michael stopped himself from opening his car.

"I suggest you stop harassing the lady". He shouted at them from afar, and just then they both took off leaving her on the ground. Michael's instinct wanted him to leave her but he suspected the men would be back again. Without a second thought, he carried her to the car. A hotel was the only place he could take her to, he knew nothing about her.

"What room do you have in order?" He hurriedly asked the receptionist.

"Room 6 and 8 sir".

"Get me room 8". He didn't mind the way she looked at him, he just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Follow me, sir". She led him to one of the rooms and quickly opened the door for Michael to enter.

She was one hell of a snorer, he thought to himself while he watched her snore for a minute. He quietly left the room and walked up to the receptionist.

"Umm, sorry here is your payment, you can keep the change. Please I'll be back, need to get some stuff". He wasn't a great liar, but it was the only thing that could reduce the confusion he saw in the receptionist's eyes.

"No problem sir, you just have to sign here". She slightly smiled as she gave him the book.

"Yeah". He smiled back while he signed. He left the hotel gently but the moment he got to his car, he raced off without looking back.

That was the last he saw about her and two days later, he found the necklace on the seat of his car with her bag. He couldn't trace her since he saw no card to identify her, he concluded the necklace was a good luck charm.


"Give me a shot of whiskey". This was just what he needed before he went home. He couldn't be so sure she was the one, but the probability was 50/50. He sighed deeply as he gulped down the small shot of whiskey. He tipped the barman while he stood up and headed to stop a taxi, though his house wasn't too far he couldn't walk either.

"White House". He announced to the driver the moment he entered the taxi. Just then he sighted a black Camry on its light which was so bright. Michael felt he was overthinking and relaxed in the taxi.

"We're here sir". The driver announced after some minutes.

"Here". He paid the driver and jumped off. He was about to cross the road when he sighted a bright light shining on his face, it was so close to him that he realized it was a car and took a step backward. He noticed it was the Camry and was on full speed. Someone was trying to kill him, he thought to himself. He waited for a while to see if the car would be back but it didn't come back, without a second thought he hurriedly entered his house and locked it immediately. He couldn't believe he could hear the beat from his heart as he wondered who it was.

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