Chapter 27: The cleansing bath

When he reached the Hut, he put down the cauldron outside the Hut, brought out the cooking utensils he might need, and wiped them clean.

The question now is… what to prepare?

He moved around the garden to fetch the herbs he’ll use to prepare his vegetable soup. After fetching 6 different herbs, he returned to the hut. He washed the vegetables well before chopping them on the chopping board.

He rinsed it again before transferring it into a small bowl.

“I can’t just prepare it like this, I need to add some oil to it.” Charlie Said.

While he was still thinking of what to do, his eyes moved to the sunflowers in the distance, and his eyes brightened up immediately.

“Yes, I can make oil with sunflower seeds.” Charlie quickly stood up from where he was seated and walked to the sunflowers that were taunting him not long ago.

“Payback time!” He slowly approached the flowers while chanting the peace incantation in his mind.

He finished the incantation before the attacking flowers could reach hi
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