Day ended

In the living room, the moonlight fell on the three figures through the transparent sliding door (or shōji).

Bai chen, who just had dinner with his family, was now sitting here explaining the principle behind his justu to his parents once again.

Apparently, his parents wanted to test the power of this jutsu, but there was no one to demonstrate it because Bai chen himself was on the second step of learning rasengan due to the insufficient control over his own chakra. So, the only thing they can do now is to let Bai quing and Hina learn the jutsu and try it out thenself.

Bai chen knew that it was very difficult to learn rasengan because few people could meet its requirements for chakra control, but these requirements can be met as long as people are willing to actively put in some effort into it, but unfortunately most people don't do so.

Bai chen, as a transverser knew the importance and advantages of refined chakra control that's why he was putting in so much effort into it. Take Senju Tsunade or Sakura for an example, both of them use Chakra Enhanced Strength, which uses the refined chakra control and concentration required in medical ninjutsu to enhance one's strength to monstrous levels. This is done by storing chakra into one's hands or feet, and releasing it onto the target with pinpoint timing. With this strength, the user can decimate the ground or even kill opponents with a single strike.

So, its a must to have high chakra control.

Well, if we talk about Bai quing, Bai chen was confident that he can learn rasengan within a few days. The source of Bai chen's confidence was Bai quing's strength which was in the ranks of 'Kage'.

The chip has divided the shinobis rank in five parts according to original manga- genin, chunin, jonin, kage and super-kage. Genin,chunin and jonin are further divided into two parts- standard and elites.

An average person can at least achieve the rank of chunin and and only few would remain in the ranks of genin, on the other hand if a person is talented as well as hardworking then he/she can achieve the rank jonin or even elite jonin, but to achieve the rank of kage, being only talented is not enough.

Ascending from jonin to Kage is the most difficult hurdle which only a few can overcome. Journey from genin to jonin mainly depends upon chakra reserves and his mastery over different nature's of chakra, but for a person to reach kage level, he/she has to goes go through a qualitative change.

We'll talk about the qualitative change later, for now it is enough to know that a jonin and kage are not on the same level. And to expect these kage level shinobi's to not have high control over their chakra is absurd.

So, Bai chen was convinced that his father can learn rasengan within a week, but Bai quing wasn't the only one learning the jutsu, his mother, Hina was also there.

His mother is an elite jonin, but even so one and a half month of practice is required for her to master the jutsu. If she had practiced chakra control before, then this time would have reduced by half a month. Well, teaching is not a problem for Bai chen, for his loved ones he is willing to spend time on it.

After finishing his explanation once again, Bai chen handed them a water baloon and let them practice the first step and unsurprisingly Bai quing was able to pass the first step in three hours, Hina on the other hand was still struggling and needed a few days to complete this step.

Completing the first step in three hours, Bai quing couldn't help but start bragging and laughed loudly, in his excitement he failed to notice the calamity which was about befall him.

By the time he took notice of this, it was too late. Hina who was also practicing with Bai quing, was looking at him with a smile on her face. Though this smile felt anything but homely.

'It looks like father won't be having a good sleep tonight.'

The thought popped up in Bai chen's mind.

Realising that it was enough for today, Bai chen said his goodbyes to his parents and ignored his father who was giving him imploring glances to fend for himself.

'Sorry father, but its not a problem I can help you with, you have to handle it yourself.' said Bai chen in his mind with some pity while his back was facing his father.

And Bai quing who saw his last hope gone could only look at his wife an ugly smile on his face.


Bai chen threw himself on his bed when he entered the room, closed his eyes and relaxed. This was the only time when Bai chen can be at ease and plan out his next step.

'Huhhh its really takes a toll to spend my days like this. Having two intense training sessions a day was already enough but now I also have to take some time out to guide others. There's really a lot of things for me to focus on and I can't afford to be distracted so much, looks like I have to solve this problem as soon as possible.' Bai chen has another problem before him, but he has a solution for this problem.

"Chip, start deducing the Shadow Clone Technique, copy all the related information about this technique from my memory." Bai chen gave a simple order to chip.

[Host's instruction acknowledged]

[Information regarding the techniques found in host's memories]

[Information have been copied, time taken to complete the task - 56 hours]

One after another chip notifications sounded in Bai chens mind.

As a 'Naruto' anime fan he knew a lot about these techniques because the principles behind the technique's which were commonly used in the anime were explained clearly and he also read many forums discussing about these techniques.

Though, even though he knew the working behind these techniques, the task of actually creating one had to be left on the chip.

Now, letting go of all his worries, Bai chen took a good night sleep.

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