Chapter 6

"Why are you explaining this to me?What are you and I involved in this?inquired Kyle.

"Everyone is involved in this.I'm Jareth, a Raya descendant.I am the greatest defender of the kingdom of this generation.I have studied, trained, and lived this all my life, and I have always known this."

What am I supposed to do with this, if all of this is true?Even my real parents are unknown to me.I'm a healthy young man who lives as far away from Aurumist as possible.What contribution can I make to this?

Kyle couldn't quite make out the look Jareth gave him when he looked at him.Was it irritation, pity, outrage, or something different?

"You are everything, Kyle.I was brought into this world by you.I received my education because of you.You are Kylewell, a member of the Adalwen family.Both of your parents are members of the Adalwen family, and you come from a long line of kings and queens.You were created for this moment.

Kyle assumed the man was making fun of him as he stared at him.This individual cannot be serious.

“What?”Kyle exclaimed, "What are you referring to?I'm nothing.Even my own parents disapproved of me.Danin and Jane took in me after finding me abandoned in this village.No one knows me.

"No, you're a person.You were not abandoned by your parents.They were aware they were being pursued and in danger.To save you before it was too late, they gave you up.They gave you to me to protect you, but then Aurumist soldiers went after them and killed them.

Kyle made a distrusting commotion and shouted, "They gave me to you?When did you turn nine?You can't have been around for more than 25 years.

I was a child.I had barely reached the legal age.When you know who you are and claim your magic, magical people do not age the same as non-magical people.

Kyle got up from the bed.He had a lot of questions in his head.Even though there was something in him that told him to believe what was being said, he wasn't sure if he even believed what was being said.

“Wait, how did I get here, if they gave me to you to protect me?”asked Kyle while examining Jareth.

I was instructed to go get you by the Ring of Nine, the leaders of our people.The great diviner in the ring predicted that Jane and Danin would raise you and advised you to grow up in a secure location.It was ordered that I bring you here.

Kyle walked around the room before getting back on the bed.He used a hole in his bulky blanket to play.

"Danin and Jane have protected you.You don't appear to be unhappy or abused.They did what was right, but now it's time to become the real you.Tonight is our last night here.

Kyle raised his head.

“Leave?Tonight, leave Clarton?Where should we go?

"To be with your real people.We will travel to Abscon, a forest-dwelling village.You'll spend the night with me, and you'll meet the Ring of Nine.Those who are aware of the village are the only ones who can see it.If we can't find horses, we'll have to walk or ride horses.You won't be able to get there by accident.

Jareth seemed to pick up on Kyle's extreme confusion.

I'm sorry, but I can't take you on a magical journey.In order for me to magically take you somewhere, you must have faith in me and know where you are going.You don't know me, and you've never seen or heard of Abscond.Traveling by magic will pose too many dangers.

However, I refuse to leave.I couldn't actually say whether I accept what you are talking about.Who says I even need to be a ruler assuming that is truly who I'm.?I cannot simply abandon everything.I have lessons, work, Danin, Jane, and Katniss.I cannot simply leave.

Jareth exhaled.You no longer care about lessons.The poisonous items won't be necessary for you.I am aware that it will be difficult to leave those you care about, but it need not be permanent.You are welcome to visit once you have received training and a deeper understanding of who you are.We will require the support of everyone we can.It's good to have allies who don't use magic.

Kyle placed his hands over his head.He wondered if Jane and Danin were aware of this and what it might actually mean.It appears that they did.Before Kyle reached the stables, Danin had a conversation with this individual.

"I need to converse with Danin and Jane.Kyle stood up and said, "I must see them."

Naturally, you'll want to say goodbye, so gather some things.Perhaps Danin can lend us two horses.

I did not state that I would be going with you.I only need to speak with them.

Kyle did not anticipate Jareth's response;He dashed out of the stable and into the cottage by bolting down the stairs.At the sound of the door opening, Jane quickly got up, her sewing machine in her hand.She was seated next to Katniss, who was crying in a chair.Danin was sitting by the fire and looked sad at Kyle through his eyes.

"You were aware.From the beginning, you knew, isn't that right?You trust him.You think I really am this king.You have been deceiving me all along.Why?”yelled Kyle.

Oh, Kyle, it's not so easy.With tears in her eyes, Jane said, "Sit down, and we will talk about it."

Kyle gave Katniss, who was now crying out loud, a look.

"Katniss, it is false.All of this cannot possibly be true.I'm only Kyle.Kyle has always been me.We will resolve everything.As he approached Katniss, Kyle insisted, "Don't worry."

"All of it is true.As he entered the room, Jareth declared, "You are the true king of this kingdom."He came up to Kyle and stood next to him. He lightly grabbed Kyle by the arm, and Kyle felt something hit him.His mind began to sing as he almost felt his blood flow through him.It appeared that Jareth also felt it."I think you know it's true, Kyle," he declared.My king, I think you really know who you are.

Kyle jerked his arm off.Don't refer to me as such; I have no idea.None of this has been asked for by me.I don't mind working only in the stables.I like my life now.This isn't what I want.

Kyle was led to the small table in the kitchen area of the room by Danin when he came over.

Danin instructed the boy to sit down.

Danin pulled the other chair out for Jareth as Kyle sat down, and Jareth sat as well.Danin placed three tankards on the table after filling them with mead.Kyle, drink.It will assist you in relaxing.

Kyle took a sip from the cup despite the fact that he didn't really want to comply with Danin's directive.

Danin sat down in the middle of Jareth and Kyle.I don't know if any of this is true, but I think you should go with him for a while.You are no longer a child.You are too intelligent to work in a stable because you are almost a man.Kyle, you have to figure out who you are.When you were just a baby, this man brought you to us.He has stated that he will ensure your safety and that we will see you again.

For Kyle, it was all too much.He was asked to leave by Danin.Jane also did.He looked over at Katniss, who was still weeping.

What should I do, Katniss?She was his oldest and closest friend, so he knew it wasn't fair to ask her that.She was significantly more than that.He had total confidence in her.

Kyle, oh!You should not go, not me.I don't know, but Jane told me who she thinks you are.You can't remain here Kyle.You won't be safe there."

Deflated, Kyle sank into his chair.

Jareth began, "My king," but Kyle gave him a dirty look.

With gritted teeth, Kyle ordered, "Don't call me that."Kyle is my name.

"Okay, Kyle.You're not protected here, yet also assuming you stay here, nobody in this town will be protected particularly individuals here.There might be people looking for you out there.The secret will eventually be revealed now that the Ring has declared you ready.The best way to ensure the safety of everyone you care about is to get you away from here.

This got Kyle to his feet.He didn't keep Danin, Jane, and Katniss safe, did he?Should he not leave if there was even a remote possibility that he would cause harm to them if he remained here?

However, I promised Katniss that I would accompany her to Harvestide.It appeared to be something inept to raise, however Kyle was searching for any sort of control right now. "Only four weeks remain.Mightn't I at any point remain here and pursue a month?"

"No, we have to go tonight."

However, I made a promise to her and cannot break that promise.I must attend Harvested here.

"Oh, Kyle, don't....,"began Katniss.

Kyle insisted as he turned to Jareth, "No, I promised, and I will go with you to Harvestide."You will promise to bring me back here in four weeks for Harvestide if I go with you tonight.

Jareth's eyes got smaller.We simply do not have the time to travel to absurd festivals.There will only be time for training and learning.

"If you promise me that I can return for Harvestide, I will only leave here tonight."

Jareth took a moment to consider this statement.We will return for Harvestide if I can safely transport you here, but your safety and the safety of this town will come first.

After closing his eyes and exhaling deeply, KyleHe was incredulous that this was actually taking place.

Kyle sighed, "I will need to pack."

Jane rose and assisted Kyle in packing his belongings.She also included another pair of boots, a knife, and some clothing.In a neat little basket, she also packed some drinks and food that Jareth and Kyle could share for a few days.

Jane left to go to the small room where Kyle slept in the stable to get his usual blanket to take while Danin asked to see Jareth out in the stables.

The tiny cottage was all to themselves for Katniss and Kyle.Katniss had quit crying, however her eyes were as yet wet.

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