Chapter 7

She said sadly, "I can't believe you are leaving."Without you, I have no idea what I will do.

"Katniss, it won't be forever.I will return soon.

But you'll come back.You must be aware, Kyle, that everything is shifting.You will transform into someone else if you are truly who they say you are.

"No, I'll remain Kyle.Katniss, as long as you want, you will always be a part of my life.I'll be back, and the next time, I'll figure out a way to stay or bring you along.I'll find a solution.

Katniss, wrapping her arms around him, exclaimed, "Oh Kyle."Just take care.Promise me your safety.My only wish is for your safety.I could bear it if I knew you were safe, if you have to be gone forever.

"Of course, I'll be safe, but I promise to be back, Katniss."

After giving Kyle a quick kiss and quickly standing on her tiptoes, Katniss smiled and let go of him.

"I must leave.Where am I? My father will be inquisitive.

"Katniss, I will see you soon.I swear."

Before leaving, Katniss opened the door and smiled once more at Kyle while wiping a few tears from her eyes.

The tall chair that the young Lord Kedan was sitting in at the end of the Council of Ancients' long table was slouching.The twelve rulers of the kingdom's twelve lands filled the twelve chairs arranged around the table, six on each side.Kedan changed the chain and clasp on the long robe that was on his shoulders.When he shook his golden locks, the curls hit his head.With a grimace on his full pink lips, his piercing blue eyes gazed throughout the council.As he listened to the council members talk, he felt his cheeks get hot;He was becoming enraged.

As usual, Kedan was being ignored.He heard the words "shadows" and "new king" as the council was whispering to each other.None of it sounded good to him.Kedan firmly pressed his hand against the table.

"What do you all whisper about?Am I not the King's Lord?Please speak with me and inform me of the situation.

Till, Viceroy of Aurumist, who was in charge of the council, bowed his head and smiled at the young lord.We were merely consolidating the stories so that we could provide you with the information simultaneously.Lord, we are aware that your time is valuable.

I don't like the idea of you deciding what I should or shouldn't hear.Now, what exactly is this I hear about kings and shadows?Why would someone discuss a king?

An Alis, a middle-aged woman, exclaimed, "Oh, your majesty."She was Viceroy of the Grasslands, which were located just north of Aurumist.People who aren't quite as polished as those who live around Aurumist, like those in The Great Surrounding, still hold a lot of superstitions.They are a primitive people who continue to tell the same old stories, and all of these are just stories.They have nothing to offer."

"What do you say, Bernot?Is this all caused by The Great Surrounding?the young Lord inquired.

At the opposite end of the table, Bernot appeared confused.Although he was in charge of the majority of the kingdom, no one took it seriously.There weren't many people living there.The population was unassuming and the villages were small.

"Well, my lord, I'm sure that every land has its own folktales and lore.My country is peaceful and devoted to our lord and the Ancients.If there are rumors about a new king, they are nothing more than children's stories."

Kedan could see that the elderly woman across from Bernot did not give a head nod like the majority of the other leaders.Daracha was the Viceroy of the Forest of the Lowlands. Her name was Daracha.Kedan always thought she was a mystery.He was even able to admit to himself that he was a little nervous about her.He addressed the elderly woman while sitting slightly higher.

Daracha, are you in agreement with them?Do you believe these to be merely amusing tales?”

Daracha turned her dark green eyes to the young lord.Harmless?Hmmm.I hesitate to call it harmless.None of us, including you, my young lord, would be here if these stories came true.They aren't safe, not at all.Daracha stated quietly.

Therefore, we must take some action.How can we proceed?How can we put an end to these tales?Kedan was asked loudly.

“Ah, my young lord, if we took action on them, it would prove that we consider them dangerous.It would be acknowledging their possibility.Watching and patience are required in this situation.Daracha stated, "We need to learn more about what is going on."

Bernot smiled and gave his approval, "Excellent advice, Daracha."My Lord, where is your main advisor?What is Williams' position?Does he have any information from his spies?

Kedan let out a snort.Williams barely emerges from beneath his tower.Since two weeks ago, he hasn't come to me.He wants me to meet him, but he ought to meet me.The King's Lord, I am.

Williams has served as the Lord's primary advisor and this council for longer than any of us have been alive, so yes, of course you are.He deserves some respect, Till stated.

“Respect? Regventus' Lord, I am myself.The ancient people chose me.Williams is one of you who serves me.Kedan paused before turning.Teryn,” he yelled with rage.

The pretty woman who was standing along the wall responded, "Yes, my lord."She was learning how to serve the lady who would eventually marry Lord Kedan.Her green eyes quickly looked around the council before focusing on Kedan.

"Where is Williams at the moment?"Kedan inquired.

"Lord, as usual, in his tower.Do you want me to invite him to council?Teryn inquired.

"On the off chance that it is as you say, it will not be really beneficial.Williams may no longer be able to use the stairs.Put it off for later.We have a lot to talk about,” Bernot said, clearly wanting the room to be quiet.

Even though the other members of the council were nodding their heads, Kedan did not like being told what to do.For the remainder of the moon cycle, he desired to be done with this.They would all return to lording over their own lands until the next cycle began if he could get through this meeting, he was aware.When they all left, Kedan could work on making Williams his replacement.

Okay, let's get started.What else needs to be said?”Kedan asked.

Following the meeting, Kedan walked the campus.After the beginning, it had been awfully uninteresting.It was only the standard discussion of the situation with the collect, some land limit quarrels, and the necessities of individuals.Kedan made an effort to hear;He did in fact.He knew that his parents had worked hard for years to get him where he was.

It was said that the Ancients chose the Lord of Kingdom.Since his birth, the Lord was said to be in charge of everything.There was talk of a ceremony in which the ancient gods would tell the priest where to find this child.Everything was very mysterious.The lord felt awestruck for the kingdom's subjects as a result.The truth was much less enigmatic.

High-class families who had children born after the Lord's death exchanged their chosen child.For the council and the Ancient priests, they held elaborate parties.To determine the amount of bribe required to become a lord in the family, spies searched the palace and surrounding land.Numerous people were killed;There was a lot of money exchanged, and in the end, one family would win enough favor with the authorities.Kedan thought that even those in authority could fool themselves into thinking they were carrying out the work of the Ancients.They might have believed that the family that was destined to have the Lord in its midst was the one that put in the most effort and traveled the most.

Kedan pondered his parents' current actions.He had only seen them at palace festivals since he had been brought into the palace as a 12-year-old.Last year, he saw them dancing at Mid-Winter.Like his other subjects, they bowed and curtsied to him.They left after briefly holding his hand from his mother.He assumed that as the Lord of Regventus's parents, they were enjoying life to the fullest.They were probably throwing extravagant parties and getting favors and bribes from people in the upper echelons.He hoped that his parents would make a request at some point, but they have yet to do so.

Kedan was he missing his parents?He was uncertain.He had not spent much time with them before.He barely interacted with either parent when he was a child living in the same house as them.Like most members of the upper class, he was raised by teachers and nannies.His mother sometimes fussed over him when he was out at parties and dinners.Different women from the first ring looked at him, kissed him, and pinched him.

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