Chapter 400 – He following
Chapter 400 – He following

Alex had just finished his meal, and they had returned from one of the tightly closed booths. His brother’s face looked unfriendly, and he even frowned, but when his sister gave a sign not to act like that in front of Alex, he finally changed his expression.

“I want to come too.” Said the kid. Alex almost choked when he drank the last of his tea. Alex wasn’t comfortable with that because he just wanted you to be with his little brother. Alex suddenly felt he was looking after the children entrusted to the daycare. He couldn’t let Alex take his sister away, so he could only follow them from behind. Alex couldn’t understand why the boy wanted to ask him out.

When he felt it was his fault, Alex could only allow himself to go along with it and not question it anymore. He intended to only leave for one day and then leave the children.

“It seems you have to ask permission first from your parents.” Alex said.

“You don’t have to worry about that because it’s non
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