EPILOGUE - Happily Ever After

Lily could feel the sombre mood that settled on the castle when news of Laura's death spread. She knew that she should feel at least, terrible about what had happened, but she couldn't bring herself to grief like the rest of the kingdom. She barely knew her and although, she felt bad that her sister was gone before she knew her well, she didn't feel as bad as she had expected herself to feel.

She had expected the news to hit her hard, weren't twins meant to feel each other's pain? She barely felt anything, except, maybe guilt. That she didn't feel that connection with her even if for a little.

So while others mourned her twin, she mourned the relationship she never had, that they never had. She watched as the King - she hadn't gotten around to call him her father yet, moved around the castle aimlessly and felt bad that his child had died so young.

Lily tried to get into the mind of her sister and figure out why exactly she died? It couldn't honestly be because of what had happened so
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