The door to the operating room opened and the doctors walked out shoulders bent, others sweating profusely.

They did all they could yet they couldn't retain their patient.

Oscar Logan immediately sprang up expectantly, but the doctor shook his head signifying his grandson didn't make it.

Elena fainted and was rushed into another room, this is more shocking than whatever she has felt in her life.

She was disoriented by the news she couldn't keep calm, her lifeline just left her.

What hurts the most was that she never got to see him in person because she was striving to keep her family whole by pleading for the release of her husband from Jail.

Elena was so angry, sad and pained hearing that news, all because of her husband who was jailed for stupidity. If not for that, she would have been with her son at the last minute.

She felt guilty for that and she blamed her husband for it, for this reason she was even more determined to divorce him.


Laying down on the hospital bed, Elena
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