chapter 27

The moon shines upon the garden of the orphanage, while Emily sits on the bench watching and feeling the rhythm of the night breeze. She feels alone, but not lonely. The sound of chirping birds reminds her that there is more than one way out of this place—and she will get back to it. She can’t stay here forever. But how does one escape from a cursed place? She tries to imagine what would happen if she tried walking away from it with everyone else. How could she ever get away with leaving this place behind without the help of an exorcist or witch? She knows it won’t work like that for any of them, not even for her. If she were to walk away right now, then all hope would be lost. And she couldn’t bear to think about leaving anyone behind who isn’t willing to give up their lives to make sure that she succeeds. She’d do anything for us, but it’s hard to see how she could ever accomplish something with no one supporting her. So she needs to get out somehow and figure this out first. But
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