Chapter 19

After days of traveling through the harsh terrain, the young wizard, whose name was Jaxon, and his companions finally arrived at the edge of the Dark Forest. It was a place where legends and stories whispered about ancient curses, dangerous creatures, and a magic that could corrupt even the purest of hearts.

As they entered the forest, Jaxon could feel the unease creeping upon him. His companions, a skilled archer named Elara, and a strong warrior named Darian, also seemed to sense the eeriness of the place. They walked in silence, only the sound of rustling leaves underfoot and the distant hooting of an owl filling the air.

The deeper they went, the more the forest seemed to change. The trees grew taller and darker, the shadows more ominous, and the air heavier with the scent of decay. Soon, they came upon an old stone bridge, spanning a murky stream. It was guarded by a group of fierce-looking goblins, armed with swords and bows.

Jaxon and his companions exchanged a tense glance, bu
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