Only The Strongest Are Worthy To Survive

The old man with the bottle that contains blood went forward to the far guard


He screamed as loud as his voice could get him and I guess the fat guard heard.

The guard had trouble turning his body to the direction the call came from so he turned with legs. He started his pitch black eyes at the old man who didn't feel scared one bit. Rather, he was excited that all the things would happen just as he planned.

The fat guard finally made a 90 degree turn and looked at the old man before him. The old man who I guess should still be in his sixties spoke to the guard in a language I do not understand but guessing from the hand gestures and leg work of the old man, it must be magic words. When the old man finished his words, he knelt on the ground with one knee and raised the bottle of blood above his head.

The guard collected the bottle of blood and drank the blood in it. The guard opened his mouth and started speaking in the language I understood

"Are you strong enough?" The guard s
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