His Linked Necklace
Chapter 15. His Linked Necklace

"By the dint of the light, a pristine man shall dominate our dull aisles, with the sun and moon witnessing his validity, he glows and shines with them."

"Greetings to the modern pristine emperor of the Akkad empire."

All hail to the uncrowned emperor.

"The crown prince has yet to be proclaimed as the succeeding emperor, but my son attained the support of the townsfolk who once favored me when I was his age. By the dint of holding his highness in fortune." (Thank you).

"The pleasure is all on us, your highness." (You're welcome)

"Son, tonight you are in favor to please yourself to take off from the palace and to escort yourself. And on the tracks of the succeeding days, you will be a prisoner of your people. This will barely be the odds of living your life as a man, thus do fancy this gift we invariably receive before serving for the new age."

"I will, father."

Prince Artemis and king Henry devour their final moment as father and son, reassuring th
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