Chapter 19 : He Deserve to Die

Samantha wake up with naked at side a man who’s she just meet twice. She also don’t believe this. After tomorrow she got rapped and lost his virginity, now she doing sex again with unrudging. After tell about their happiness and everything, Samantha … with openly tell about what happened to her yesterday and how she can got rapped by Lord Courtney. Samantha crying in John’s hugs and he with many empathy try to calm her down. Then, they doing unexpected things. They had sex!

Samantha quickly got dressed and quietly left John's bed, as he was still sleeping. She looked around to make sure no one was watching before she made her way back home, thankful that it was still early and not many people were awake yet. The sun had just begun to rise, painting the sky in a beautiful array of oranges, pinks and yellows, adding to Samantha's sense of relief as she walked away.

Samantha arrived home and opened the door to Sam's bedroom and finding the boy still in bed. She felt a deep sense of guilt
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