Chapter 7

I can't believe I walk away just because of unverified information. Though it was him and that witch, how can I know it's really the truth? There's no really!

The boom of my heart in race. It accompanied by fear that hardly to makes sense. I only slow down when I makes sure he didn't follow. 

"What a fool," I wait for a minute yet there's no presence of him. "He didn't follow me, huh?"

I walk pass the border that separate the forest and the farm. It's a wide-abandon farm. Despite though, it's not become expansion of a forest. It's clean in terms of living things, and dirtied from the way it looks in the distance with its wreck surface.

The barns especially destroy in terms of interior, however stood strongly and survive the harshful climates. So it's a beautiful sight despite the wreckage.

Just as I pass the barns, the sign of 

the farm halt me. 

'Hell to the believers of Eternal Life' it's written below the signpost. Then 'Welcome believers' in the upper part. 

It almost unreadable with a sign of slowly faded. However, the way it's written is a disaster. It use the pure color of red, almost seem a blood that just dried out. Not at all like been abandon by century!

"A decade perhaps," I murmur, slowly pass the collapsing figure of a unknown diety. 

All of the pieces resemble its crown and symbol is gone. Not even its face remain, it's darkened by time. 

"Or burn by the people of the farm?" my guess, only it's far from possibility. 

There's no reason for the people of farm to do such a thing, even though they don't believe a thing about creators and gods to bless the world and existence.

It's only one of the figure, others stained and cover by thick-dirt of black. Just watching them unidentified freeze me, it's as if I'll be a part of them, slowly forgotten by time and now wander aimlessly.

It takes me a deep bizzare moan to shifted my eyes to the far ahead. It's not all the time I had this opportunity to look the place with curiousity. Though I didn't use the shortcut, I didn't mind a bit if it takes a while to go home. 

Not until the thick small fog hovered in the distance, as if lost and wander this place aimlessly such I'm doing right now. However, as it getting closer I clearly got a view of the ferocious eyes, and the fog in its small form suddenly flow as fast as the lightning struck the ground.

"Hell to the believers of the sky!" the deep thunderous voice coming from the fog. Or was it the fog itself.

Anyway, before it even reach me, I shift direction to the figures that lying dirtied about and in crumbles. The holws of something bizzare boom my ears, clouded my mind, and blood tears rolling in my cheeks. 

How bitter! I scream inside my head as the bloody tears reach my tremble lips. I groan, search for a crack just as I reach the giant figure. And there's nothing!

I bit my lower lip, let the bitter blood sip through my mouth. I gulp, the blood warmth me and clear my mind.

"Here," a familiar voice above find me hope, my face brightened.

The growl neared that jump me in shock.

"Come on, Arsy!" he whispers in frustration, enough to boiled my blood.

"I don't need your help!" It's Pyro with his usual innocent face. I doubt though if it's really him or I fell to the tricks of this place. Though the frustration in his voice as slowly step back boom my heart to a halt.

"Hate me after this! I don't care! Just lift up your hands and trust me," he almost beg for it.

The growl so loud I freeze. 

"W-What happen if it engulf me?" It almost a whisper, almost a blows of soft winds.

"Nothing will happen if you lift your hands," his soft whisper.

"So you don't know what will happen, huh?"

"How about you?" he fired back in a hurry. "Are you afraid you fell deeply to me?"

"What...are you trying to say?" I look away, laugh awkwardly to his intense stare.

"I know you hear...that witch," he said. I lift up my chin to meet the sorrow in his eyes. "But have you hear my response, Arsy? You look away without even saving me from her presence!"


"I hate you the same so lift up your hand!"

For my shock I do what he said, lifted my hands to reach his. Just as the growl reach behind and the fog to engulp me, he pull me to the ground, from the breezing fog

I panted as the darkness meet my eyes. I thought I fell to the deepest, only his warmth embrace gives me assurance that we're fully out of the danger. I can feel how his warmth lifted the cold of the breezing fog.

"Is this inside the dirty figure-" I smile to meet his glare. "I mean..."

"It's a diety figure, Arsy. It's a cave in some sort," he explain as his glare remain on me. 

So he hate me that much, huh? I laugh that echoed about, only to accompanied by the growl that may a faint but still boom my heart. I unconsciously lift my arms for tight embrace. 

He stiffened. "Arsy..."

"Huh?" I look up to see the dots shadow in his face. I barely see the intensity of his gaze as remain my gaze on him, his jaw drop just as I fall my head to his chest. " rest."

He didn't say a thing, just brush my hair in his fingertips. I slowly close my eyes to the feeling he brought me. He may not known it, it may not appear, or even in myself not shown enough. 

The a death of me.

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