A Dream that must never come!

He knew something was wrong the moment he heard the music.....

It was soft, it was on the Angelic side whilst having a twinge of darker themes, A mix between Soul and Gospel rock, Cas heard it, So did Sally and Banner from the looks of it.

Their men seemed confused as well as many of them looked around fir the source of the music but nothing, It had no source nor direction, As though.... "It's all in our head...." Cas muttered.

"What?" Sally snapped, Glaring at Cas, "What are you on about?"

"He's saying the song is all in our head, I think that's mighty obvious Missy," Banner spoke.

Sally gave him the most blood curdling glare Cas had ever seen in his life.... well not really, He'd seen far scarier things on his journey so far, but there was something shouting the mundane human giving such an unnatural glare that sent chills down his spine.

"I'm not anyone's missy! The next time you call me that-"

"What are they doing?" Cas interrupted pointing at the Saints.

The small party seemed be
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