I love you Damon
"The paper of the first person found guilty of the murder of at least one hundred people and subjected to the death penalty this past week has been submitted to Malacañang. He is recognized as the first Filipino to be subjected to the death penalty after several years since the death penalty was repealed after the time of former president Ferdinand Marcos. The remains of the Serial Killer will be burned and placed in the north cemetery in Manila. While his lawyer is no longer answering the call to answer our questions. ."

I turned off the television and then looked out the window of my room where I could see the children playing in the playground near where our house stands.

I was stunned for a few minutes until I felt my tears flow again while not taking my eyes off the children playing.

I slowly laughed while looking outside until my laughter turned into sobs that screamed at the pain I was feeling.

"Erelah." I slowly stopped crying and turned to the one who called me. Again I saw a
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