Chapter 43

Elion reserves where he stood as he wasn't even welcomed with a place to sit.

"Elion, Dians grandmother has a bad game to play here... Make sure you tell Dian to challenge her grandmother and entire family, no matter what!" The voice in Elion's head tells him as he searches for his wife.

Dian had told Elion of her giving an announcement at the meeting so Elion was actively eager to learn about what Dian had in mind in regards to her family so he listened and observed carefully.

"Congratulations!" Different family members kept congratulating Dian, although the majority of the family members were really jealous of her success, especially since the amount Dian now had In her personal account was one hundred times the amount they individually had in their own bank accounts.

"I suspect she is definitely a hardcore sex toy of the new incorporations heir because how would they reject the Decasto's and give Dian a special invitation?" One of Dians wicked uncles said to his wife.

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