Chapter 14 Desperate Times

Edlund looked out over the horizon from atop the higher walls of the fortress. He could climb to one of the watchtowers for a greater view but felt disturbing the lookouts wouldn't be worth the effort. Besides, he didn't just come up here to survey their battlefield. He has been drilled in practically every inch of the surrounding terrain till he could navigate it blindfolded. He has friends close by, worthy knights, and even his own army to look after. No, none of this terrified him. After all, he has been through so far in his life, this sort of challenge did little to faze him at this moment. But what scared him the most was much deeper. This is officially the furthest he has been from any family. Celia and Massua would be at the Wild Halls by now. Lyse is on the other side of the continent searching for more godslayers. It's just him here. There's no one to fall back on, no one to go to when he needs help. but when has he ever needed help. He's always been the type of kid to ram
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