I Really Must Have a Duel

“If you don't believe me, just check his pocket! He must have kept it there!” cried Aran.

I already know this is bound to happen, but I won't let this drama continue like a telenovela.

"You came here and handed me an apology gift, didn't you Aran?" I asked.

"What? Apologize from you? Unwilling!" cried Aran.

"Check him out!" Aran's father called out and people started to surround me.

"No need!" I cried while taking out the pearl from my pocket.

Everyone looked at me with surprised looks.

"It's true he took it!" Aran shouted loudly.

"I don't need to take it if you deliver it to me, Aran!" I shouted defensively. I don't know if anyone will believe me, but I have to give it a try, at least I've started confusing some of the totem warriors.

“Don't talk nonsense! I can't possibly come to you, traitorous child!” cried Aran.

“This traitorous son has already slandered my nephew!” cried Rais Musi, defending Aran.

Damn it! The plot of this trap is getting more and more like a household drama and
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