Chapter 45: Water bottle product

Alex did nothing rather than get out of the water, but the system provided him with a sneaky task and then a reward.

It was quite doubtful to him.

( Why are you making that face? are you not happy to earn some reward? )

Mona was a system and there was no doubt about that, but Alex was getting doubtful vibes from it since she was way too accurate and knew what he was thinking and what his expression was at the moment.

" Tsk! Don't ask me about points and Gems, who won't like earning extra points? But my question is, can't you inform me if there's anything you are about to do?. Your notifications and everything are always late. It's like a situation, where I am going to die and you know the answer, but you don't give me the solution on time but after I lost my life that you inform me ", Alex was feeling kinda left out since his system was way too slow when giving out the important notifications.

( Host, don't blame me for your laziness. If you want me to work properly and as quickly as
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