You're kidding me right?

“Oh my gosh Bella!” Den made it down the tree and called out to her. He then grabbed his pole and started running to her.

“No not me her, go help Sue,” she said.


“Go help Sue!!”

He didn’t want to but he did it anyway. He changed direction and went to help Sue and rescued her from the primate creature with a high strike to the top of its head.

Sue groaned. On top of the huge injury she had, she had succumbed to some more.

“Ow,” she said.

“Are you o.k.?” Den asked.

“No, I think I broke a few ribs.”

“Crap, come on.”

He lifted her off the ground and carried her to the train as Bella, with the help of her bat, managed to pry herself free from the bear trap.

“Oh wow she actually freed herself,” a boy watching on a laptop with his girlfriend said. “Aren’t bear traps like super hard to get out of?”

“Yes they are,” his girlfriend answered.


Bella groaned as she looked down at the mess that was her leg; the teeth of the bear trap pierced all the way into her flesh and she was bl
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