Chapter 40: Fugitives

Mikaela finds it strange how Bradley's face turns as pale as a corpse.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Mikaela raised his eyebrows and pulled out the paper in Bradley's hand. "You look like ...."

Mikaela's eyeballs immediately rounded when he sees the paper's details. Their faces are engraved on a sheet of paper.

"Gosh, why is this happening?" Mikaela furrowed his brows. "Fugitives? What's this all about?"

Mikaela is lost for words and immediately throws the paper away from his face. His head begins to heat up, his face seems to tighten and his eyebrows look low. "Damn! This must be the mine owner's plan."

"Mike, look at that."

Mikaela squints his eyes and sees an old, thin man walking towards the gang of criminals who turns out to be his father.

"Father? What's he doing there?"

"I don't know, but we'd better shut up and listen to what they have to say."

The two of them continued to hide behind the house and soon a conversation could be heard.

"Old man, where are they?" One of
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