A Ruin discovered

After all this thoughts run through his mind, calmed down before using his token to enter the library.

He had important things to inquire about first before taking any more action, lately he seemed to feel somewhat uneasy.

His speed of improving seemed to be slowly decreasing and that could be blamed to his inferior resources.

Points were deducted immediately and he moved towards a certain direction in the library.

It was packed with numerous books on the medical skills as well as human body analysis.

Being his main target he took out books read through them fast and picked the next one. In the corner of the library a group of books were thrown casually and he headed towards them.

Upon closer inspection some had weird inscriptions so he just looked through them understanding why they were thrown at the side.

As he was just about to throw it too, he saw some piece of paper fall out.

It was more detailed like some map, he thus picked it up and immediately looked through the book bu
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