Yasuke, Chapter 21 : Haunted by Premonition

"The time has come for you to join the rest of them."

"You seriously think you'll defeat me? Come try your luck then?"

Two swords rose from two sets of opposing hands. Both of the two warriors wielding the swords entered their stance with a look that expressed everything that wasn't being said. No regrets, no remorse, no shame, but most of all, no retreat. One of the warriors lunged forward first, with the tip of the sword pointed at the opposing warrior's head.


The other warrior used the hilt of his sword to offset the trajectory of the attack, and countered with a quick sword spin that resulted in his foe earning a stab to his lead shoulder. The stab forced the initial warrior to drop his blade as the other delivered a kick that forced him to the ground. Before he could realize, he was without the option of evading and watched the tip of the blade soar towards his face.

"You should've joined me when you had the chance, Yasuke."


"I won't join you!" Yasuke yelled as he rose out of his sleep.

After noticing it wasn't real, he was able to lower his guard as he caught his breath. Yasuke wasn't sure where he was, but he knew it wasn't where he was supposed to be. He was chained to a bed, in a candle lit room.

"Eradius?" he whispered. "Where am I?"

Even though he was awoke, the images from his dream were still pulsating in his mind. He saw a bloody blade at the feet of his fallen comrades. Leonidas, Musa, Mona, Eradius, and the others. He saw the Kingdom of Neserus completely laid to waste. It was broken and burning to the ground. But, the last thing he saw was a person he never seen before. The person had the same brown pigment on his skin that Yasuke had. He was thin enough to fit the description of someone at the point of starvation. His hair was like wool and wild as if it was never taken care of. The man rose from his feet and began levitating. Then, he spoke and said -

"Do not worry, Yasuke. You do not know me and have never seen me. But, I've been within you since you were born. Soon, we will be together and it will all make sense."

Yasuke was confused, but still competent enough to ask the mysterious stranger a few questions.

"How will we come together?"

The man replied by saying -

"People like us always find their way to each other. It's a phenomenon that we called destiny."

"My destiny is to be with you?"

"Yes, Yasuke. It's going to happen whether you want it to or not. You cannot overcome the natural flow of life, the smartest decision you can make is to collect all that you can along your journey. My time has expired for this session, I'll see you soon again."

Before Yasuke could say anything else the strange man completely disappeared. He began to hear the sound of keys jingling in the background.


The sound grew closer until another person walked into Yasuke's line of sight. It was Amadia.

"Yasuke?" Amadia gasped.

Yasuke didn't say anything in response. He just continued to look at her.

"You've grown quite a bit, Yasuke." She stated. "I know you don't remember me but I've known you since you were a baby. You've been living with my brother, Eradius."

"Eradius?" Yasuke noticed. "You're related to Eradius? Then why are you here?"

"Alot has happened since then." Amadia replied. "Eradius should be the one to explain those events."

"Wait, why aren't you with us?" Yasuke continued.

"You're incredibly well spoken for your age." Amadia stated. "I have to go, but I want you to remember something. Don't ever stop learning, knowledge is essential in this life."

"Wait, how did you end up here instead of with us?" Yasuke attempted to learn.

Yasuke's question went unanswered as Amadia left out his field of vision. He heard her keys jingling once again until he heard a door open and close. Then, it went back silent. Yasuke was left with his own thoughts once again.


King Nobunaga's actions were completely undetectable due to his ability. However, it didn't stop others from speculating about whether it was him or not. The Doctor was the main person that was very suspicious about how King Nebuchadnezzar died. He gathered a few of his students, being that they were the ones he knew he could trust. The Doctor gave his students his reasoning for his suspicions towards King Nobunaga in hopes that they'd understand and agree. But, he soon found that wouldn't be the case.

"Look." He stated. "He asked me to leave the room and I did. He didn't come out right after me. He was in the room for about ten minutes after I left and it sounded like he was talking."

"What is this supposed to prove?" one of his underlings stated.

"Before I left, King Nebuchadnezzar was fine. After I left, King Nebuchadnezzar somehow died without any signs or reasons to why. It had to be the doing of someone." The Doctor replied.

"How can you be sure?" another one questioned.

"What if I told you I was able to record the events that happened in the room? And all it would take to show you those events is by you imbuing your energy into me." The Doctor answered. "Share your chi with me, and then you'll see."

"I'm sure we'd all like to see some solid proof. So, well oblige. This better not be a waste of time." One of the students said as he built his chi.

The others did the same as well. Their chi spread within the air until it reached The Doctor's body. Directly after their chi came into contact with the Doctor's body, they began to see the truth of what happened to King Nebuchadnezzar.


King Nobunaga approached King Nebuchadnezzar's body.

"You're a phenomenal man." He stated as he took a few more sips from his drink. "You defeated one of the Spartan Captains after defeating the majority of King Musa's Order. You took Yasuke away from Neserus single-handily. Lastly, you saw to it that my vision would become reality even at the cost of your life. For that, I want to thank you."

King Nobunaga built his aura of chi.

"However, you are also a man without any morals. You killed the previous King of Babylon just to rise to power. You always put your own well-being before others. You also are just too strong to be completely obedient. You're just like me in those ways, but there's only room for one. I'll have to make sure you never regain consciousness. It's just a precaution I have to take to ensure success, nothing personal."

King Nobunaga's chi formed a small and narrow blade that extended around his right arm.

"Leading up to the moment I became the new King, I was creating a technique that would allow me to kill without leaving a single trace. It's undergone alot of revision in that time but I figured you'd be the best person to test it on. If they found out I killed you, I could quickly make a reason why. But if I killed my father, nothing I say would explain that action. If the doctor isn't about to pinpoint your cause of death, I'll be in the clear to do the same to him."

King Nobunaga pointed the tip of his blade at Nebuchadnezzar's chest. And then began to slowly thrust his weapon into his chest. Instead of cutting and entering through his skin, it completely phased through him. There were no stab wounds or blood visible.

"I should probably go for the brain as well, just to be sure." Nobunaga thought as he pointed the tip of the sword at Nebuchadnezzar's head. "No, he's done. There's nothing else needed."

King Nobunaga took the last few sips of his drink before his cup was completely empty.

"I need a new drink." He thought. "Time to get back to the celebration."


The Doctor's subordinates we're stuck in awe at the events they say play out in their head.

"Now, do you all realize the truth?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes, I saw what happened."

"It was as clear as day, King Nobunaga is solely responded for King Nebuchadnezzar's death."

"It was his plan to kill him."

The Doctor walked into one of the corners of the room.

"Once it was revealed that King Nebuchadnezzar died, King Nobunaga's Order came and escorted the body out of here. I didn't get a chance to do anything. But, I think I know where they have it. If you guys will attest, I'm sure most others in this kingdom will help us spread the truth."

After a few seconds of silence, the Doctor realized he didn't get any response and he found that weird. So, he turned around to check on his students. Once he did, he saw all of their bodies completely motionless.

"Yara?" He uttered as he took a few steps towards their frozen bodies. "Haru? Rena? What happened to you?"

The Doctor tried to reach for them but his arm stopped moving halfway through. He began to feel weak and soon fell to the ground.

"What's happening to me?" he thought as he struggled to fight his way back up.

King Nobunaga emerged from behind the Doctor, with a few words to say.

"I knew this day would come. I knew you wouldn't be able to look the other way. I knew you'd question my decisions. You should have kept the truth to yourself, Jin Rihnoe."

King Nobunaga's chi blade manifested around his right arm.

"How ironic, a man given the name The Doctor wasn't able to save his friends or himself in the end. Your students would've been fine if you never let them see what I did. I wouldn't have had to kill them. It would have just been you. But, none of you will escape this room today. It's over."

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