Ian's Excuse

Miller and Olivia came into Ian's room late at night. Accompanying them were the healers and medics of the mansion. 

When Ian wondered about their reason for arrival, Miller expressed his worries about Ian's health and requested that he let them do a thorough checkup on him. 

Ian came to know that the original Adrian hated doctors and healers and would hardly ever agree to getting treated by them. 

"It's fine. You can go ahead."

Ian gave his permission and the chief of the healing team came forward. Ian saw the familiar face and recalled the first time he opened his eyes to this world. 

'Feels a little nostalgic.'

So much time had already passed. Noah had no one back then. The only thing he could count on was his knowledge about this world. 

And now, he was surrounded by people. To the extent that he barely had an

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