

"I guess it's morning"

"My whole body hurts, it's so hard to sleep in the middle of the street."

A boy, with short wavy brown hair says that as he gets up from what appears to be a small hut made of wood that is located on the side of the street.

The boy's name is Fritz, he is 12 years old and an orphan, on the other hand, he is also poor, which is why he has to sleep in the middle of the street.

Unfortunately, the boy never got to know his parents since they both died. So he only survives on food and things given to him by his neighbors and friends.

"I guess at this time of the morning not many people are awake."

Fritz says that, as he scratches his eyes and prepares to leave his little hut.

As he does all that, his belly sounds a lot from hunger, but unfortunately he has nothing to eat.

"I don't know if it's polite to do what I have in mind."


"I think I'll visit Roxanne, I bet I can have breakfast with her."

Fritz mentions the idea of going to Roxanne's house and
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