knight in bloody clothes

Cardual was moving as soon as the bone bullet was fired at his daughter, but, somehow, the human moved faster! ‘How did he…?’ but Cardual realised it wasn’t speed he lost to, it was instinct. The human moved before he’d even known what he was doing.

‘That boy is a warrior. A foolish one, because he has no sense of self preservation,’ Cardual thought. He was surprised again when the mage’s magic bullet blew the head off the skeleton warrior that had been hiding under the pile of zombies nearby. Then Cardual was beside the boy, and it was bad.

“Eltast, secure the perimeter. Selena, check to make sure there are no more enemies biding their time in here. Mimi, you need to help this boy right away, it’s bad.”

Eltast didn’t say anything, he’d already flashed away to the furthest breach in the Manor’s wall.

“Yes, my Lord,” Selena said. She drew a symbol in the air and touched her eyes, and Cardual knew she was enhancing her vision with blood magic.

Mimi turned from the Major to survey
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