Dungeon Rewards!

Kazuma swiveled around to search for the rewards, but there was nothing in sight before him. He was bewildered and dismayed at seeing nothing in his vision to be called rewards after conquering the dungeon.

He was assuming the rewards would appear similar to games or comics he often used to play or read back on earth, and for this reason, he was eager to watch something similar appear before him in reality.

However, there was nothing like that in his vision. More likely, it would be better to say the queen ant chamber was shrouded in an eerie silence after the douse of the flames on the queen ant. Only some slight giggles could be heard from Zoukar.

When the confusion and rumblings in Kazuma’s head are heightened a lot, he then turns towards Zoukar for answers since only he can state where and how the reward would appear in the dungeon.

Zoukar, on the other hand, was in his reverie beside the queen ant’s corpse, as if scrutinizing and analyzing it with precision. This baffled Kazuma e
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