Chapter 12 - Life in the Dorms -2-

Cai continued, directing an aiming gaze towards the front of the class.

“However, through that method, instead on focusing on increasing Ethereal energy, the individual’s proficiency in using their Destroyer Art will increase.”

A certain glimmer made the instructor’s face brighten up, “Yes, that is correct. As such, as a Knight, how do you increase the proficiency of your respective Destroyer Arts? By training more! Through repetitive actions of diligence and hard work, a Knight’s destructive power will increase. That is it for the basic concept behind it.”

From her lengthy sigh carrying certain emotions, was the conclusion or so it seemed from the lesson. In regards to the fact of the basic concept of Ethereal energy, it was a topic well-known to ordinary people that sparingly used Ethereal energy, even while not be entirely well-versed in the minor details.

Drawing a curtain to a section of a lesson, they would have the passage of time pass by quickly.


The elderly instructor took a breath or two, continuing thereafter.

“As I’m sure that all of you are aware, but here at Irisdescent we do not do things “normally”. For one, I need to grasp at how much your Ethereal energy amounts to, for each one of you.” Before reciting such a statement before the collection of students, 5 large black orbs supported by short pillars as tall as an average person were wheeled in by 2 other students in the same set of attire, with the exception of the right sleeve of the uniform being white.

“Now, can you lot touch the orb one by one?”

Recalling to receiving their student IDs at the entrance ceremony and arriving at classes and dorms, each student’s affinity was to be confirmed. To help in ascertaining it, they placed their hand on an orb of sorts. 

The orb in question was the same as in the previous display, but with the difference of measuring Ethereal energy instead of confirming an affinity. It was not an exception in uttering that the innate power of Ethereal energy was a varying thing, differing to each able bodied person.

Mixo shrieked at that point, ‘More weird tests?’

She could feel the seething annoyance make her facial muscles move in a way that made her look unpleasant.

“First group!” Regardless, with entering this academy, she would have no choice as the instructor hollered. For a concentration of 20 individuals except for one who remained injured still, to not cause mayhem, five students walked towards orbs, placing a hand atop. The shiny outer surface unleashed a reflection at their approach.

Due to a sudden arousal of energy, a reaction would occur upon the surface of the orb, glowing slightly through intertwining red lines. And an indication of the individual’s Ethereal energy through a numeric system, appeared at the very top.

“Rhandzu, four thousand and nineteen. Neyd, four thousand, one hundred and twenty. Thabo, four thousand, two hundred and fifty. Ntshembo, Four thousand and three. T’nyiko, four thousand, six hundred and sixty.”

A raspy voice cut through. This was by far as embarrassing situation if one had a low count, “Second group!”


The third group followed after the second group moved on past swiftly.

“Tsakani, four thousand, one hundred and twenty five. Amukelani, four thousand, one hundred and fifty nine. Inoyva, is null since he is currently unavailable. Ntsako, six thousand and ninety one. Wisani, four thousand, two hundred and thirty.”

“Seriously?!” A sudden arousal of processed information! By far, the name of the candidate, Ntsako cut deep since he was the sole person having the overall highest count of all.

‘There was someone higher than me other than Inoyva?! It actually didn’t take to finely comb through the masses of candidates here, but I’m already surrounded by monsters all around, huh?’ Cai’s eyes shot wide open for an elapsed period of time. For someone quite confident in their own innate Ethereal energy, she found it shocking to discover others who of were a higher grade.


‘In all, they actually look quite competent. Ethereal energy is flaring out nicely. But what’s more puzzling is that one’s aura seems to be a denser shade.’ Realizing one of her seasoned thoughts, the elderly instructor passed a glance all around them with a clear notion. She looked towards Ntsako.

For an elderly lady, who barked at the top of her lungs as if something wasn’t enoyable, she glared at the students in order to carefully make a certain conclusion. To the side, Ms. Relka noticed the elderly lady’s shifting gaze and spoke.

“He looks capable.”

“Yes! Look carefully, at that one next to him.”

“He clearly is gifted since he holds one of the highest…”

“Not his Ethereal energy, but his aura… Blazing and unforgiving.”

“Can you illiterate on that?”

“I don’t have time for that!” 



“A single individual can have up two affinities, but controlling both at the same time can hinder one’s concentration and affect the activation period. For a practical lesson on this, a demonstration is required. You two…”

The elder made a quick gesture towards those two who acted accordingly. The pair in previous assistance advanced toward the front of the class, standing a near distance from each other.

“These two are dual affinity wielders. For now, observe their movements but firstly, I require two single affinity wielders to come up.” Out of all 280 students, only a handful inherited dual affinity. And out of the handful which were there, two of them stood in their line of sight.

“Now, can the two single affinity wielders activate a small scale technique?” She asked.


A sizzling flame formed on the palms of the hands of the two original 12-C’s students. Fireball retains attack power of a low degree since it is a low level technique. However the two balls of fire illuminated very brightly.                                  

“Excellent! Now, can you two dual wielders activate two small scale attacks, also but with both affinities at the same time?” Between the pair the instructor invited, one female and the other male. For no apparent reason were their names mentioned at the interval of her command.



Atop her left palm, she released a blazing light shaped as an orb. It did not have much heat to it, but its illumination could blind the eye. And on her right was a fireball, almost as her large as the creation on her left hand, with a larger spike in heat.  

However, despite being able to fully control the two creations, she could no longer be able to handle them longer as the intensity of the light from the orb started fading, “Ha! I really put my all into that, but it faded… Dude, we are waiting on you.”

To the right, Peter was casually standing in position, not uttering any word.

“I know…” Sighing inwardly, Peter began moving to position. To better the flow of Ethereal energy which manifested into the air right now, he calmed his nerves through exhaling calmly.


At an immediate notice, red flames encircled Peter’s right side, ultimately creating 6 spears which would floated in the air from behind, then with a wave of a hand moved. Despite being called spears, the flames turned into oval-like appearances.

Still, a given task was to create two techniques. Peter remained in a cool state of mind, manipulating Ethereal energy.


Slight gusts of wind blew back when another technique derived from Explosion Art was activated due to noticeable amount of Ethereal energy being used at the moment of creation.

Peter had already activated his Blaze Art however he still maintained balance, as he held back on de-activating or launching the attacks for almost 10 seconds. His first display through using Blaze Art was ordinary but in comparison, the sizzling creations he then created made up in expectations.                   

A total of 4 fireballs with the magnificent heat, absent light like other techniques, crept in. Still it was astonishing to gaze at what appeared in front of Peter. They were hot enough to even cause the instructor who was a decorated Knight to pass glance at the structure of the fireballs with a sharp gaze.

The fireballs circled each other faster and faster until Peter pointed to the sky, and the creations of Ethereal energy headed to a higher and even higher height, ultimately detonating into a giant explosion and causing more wind to be generated. 


Undisclosed information.

Out of the 5 affinities out there, the most wide spread is Fire. After is Blaze, Explosion, and Scorch, with Ash being the most rare. 

Ethereal energy is born in an individual but their affinities are hereditary, therefore an individual with Scorch affinity would have obtained this power from their parents, or grandparents. Even though the gene of an affinity is passed down, the individual might not be able to manifest the affinity into a Destroyer Art, but will transfer that gene to their offspring.

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