chapter 9: Behead the queen

He woke up with a start. "Dior!" her name was the first thing on his lips as he opened his eyes.

Looking around, nothing looked familiar, which scared him a lot.

Everything was smooth wood and vines. Even the bed he lay on was made of leaves.

On the table lay knives and daggers. Quickly, he picked it up.

Not that he could use it to kill a god, though, looking out the window. Wherever he was, was incredibly beautiful.Giant flowers sprouted from the ground below.

People or something that looks like people trooped in and other of the flowers.

They were tiny, or he was probably high in the air. The trees were rich and green, the sky clear and bright.

Josh? Where was josh? his parents are they...

The door made a sound, and he turned, reaching for the box in his pocket.

Grain appeared in the doorway with a strange woman who looked just like her, clad in green and brown attire. Her eyes strange combined black and green. She didn't walk. She levitated like it was second nature for her not to
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