Chapter 274: Rudrick Halfmoon

“Now, now, bitchy mongrels, show me that you’re not just all bark and no bite.”


The sight of more than twenty werewolves growling at someone would certainly have scared them shitless but Ezra was different. He faced his opponents without fear and with a lot of excitement.

“I’ll leave everything to you. Just keep my “fan” safe and sound for me because me and him have a lot to talk about. Especially about making a fool out of me hehe!” said Ezra seemingly talking to himself.



Immediately after relaying his message, Ezra moved at breakneck speed, appearing in front of the young man, grabbed him by the neck and crashed into the wall with him. Ezra wasn’t acting rashly when he suddenly attacked the young man as there was merit to what he was doing. The young man had long revealed just how important he was to the Werewolf Pack and by attacking him the other werewolves obviously had to protect him. And so after crashing into the wall, the other werewolves followed with
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