The following morning, they all woke up feeling tired and lazy after a hearty breakfast. The king noticed their fatigue and advised them to rest throughout the day, forbidding any training activities.

"Seems like the king really cares about us; he even noticed how tired we look," Martin commented.

The trio exchanged looks, amused by Martin's sudden observation.

"So, today is the day you finally notice the king's concern for us?" Princess Sophie teased.

Lady Lysander chuckled softly. "Do not mind him. You know how Martin is."

Ignoring their banter, Alex turned to the group and asked, "What are your plans for today?"

"Plans? Well, I was thinking of finding a cozy spot in the garden and taking a nap," Martin said with a yawn.

Princess Sophie grinned. "That sounds like a perfect plan for you, Martin. As for me, I might spend some time reading. I brought along a book I have been wanting to dive into."

Lady Lysander nodded in agreement. "Reading sounds lovely. Perhaps I will join you, Sophi
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