Noah's been found

πŸ’“πŸ’— Beautiful

Mystery πŸ’“πŸ’—

( Oceana )

By: Ukinebo Glory

Episode 42

Oceana's Pov;

I opened my eyes slowly to meet the dim darkness of the room

Well...I'm used to it; I'm not just used to the cold air - yet.

I stretched and yawned on the bed - lazily; and yeah, I remembered all that happened

That's the thing - I never forget them; even if am to wake up a thousand years later, I'll still remember

The room was so dim and I noticed also, that the window was closed,and the curtains shut.

Courtesy of my stepmom

I hope Chelsea's fine though.



Chelsea's Pov;

I woke up from my deep slumber feeling like shit. My body ache so bad ,I thought I was about to die.

Gosh!! I managed to get out of bed, and walked to the table.

2:25pm. I checked the wall clock.

Damn!! Am supposed to be in school. I just hope it's not what she did to mom that she did to me. I don't wanna believe have been sleeping for days now.

Jeez! I walked out of the room, slowly - holding the wall for suppo
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