Somewhere in the wild outskirt of Eflie, an isolated cave that rested far off the caves of Eflie was basking underneath the moonlight.

A quiet night in an indeed lonely region. A place where humans dreaded to be. No one in his or her right senses would ever settle in a place beyond the grassland. It was an outrageous idea, and only one with a supernatural ability can think of such a space as a home.

The witches. . .

Only a witch, or one who have had an equivalent power in the past would have had such authority and guts to step into a region as deadly as this one.

* * * *


“Sister, the time has come. The moon has taken the last turn. The very one we have been waiting for,” Dria shouted as her hand swept the piece of rag that was hanging over the entrance of the cave. It was thick enough to serve it's purpose, keeping out the intense cold that persisted.

The voice of Dria shook Lydia from her sleep back to consciousness. She had been sleeping through
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