Red cloaked man

“A strong bastard,” Toen repeated, when the assistants finally left the head of the council alone, and various sympathizers stopped breaking into the house, wanting to personally make sure that she was not hurt.

Atana saw everyone off with the words that she needed to rest and think that the trackers were dealing with the incident at the training ground, that everyone could offer their help and be sent to distant places by the already dissatisfied Koyan. Nobody wanted to be sent, so those who wanted to understand and help quickly ended.

Atana, with a sense of accomplishment, locked the door and went into the kitchen to prepare soothing tea. And there was Toen sitting at the table, who wanted to talk.

“You see,” he said, “we didn’t even notice him right away. His rustling of pebbles underfoot gave away. Almost perfect invisibility. If you don’t know where to look, you won’t even notice a slight tremor in the air. But we noticed. They waited for him to stop, and behaved very stupidly. W
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