Chapter 48 Approach

When everyone was set, it was decided to leave Jackson behind to provide cover and stay in charge of the field base. His sniper would keep all but the dumbest from advancing, and the other five gunners would take care of ones who did advance. The remaining 20 battle-ready men took up positions. 6 would be needed to start treating the wounded and loading the wounded into transports for when the team returned. The others fanned out to cover each direction. Four would drive the vehicles for the gods of war as they advanced. 

In a burst of speed, the four vehicles launched forward and drive through a week spot in the lines to the northwest. There was enough of a trail to suggest this was a path to something, but what was unclear. Arrows bounced around them and a few stray shots come from the two snipers, but that just gave their position away to Jackson who quickly took out one of them. Men on foot were not much of a match for armored vehicles so most kept their distance. Wh

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