
"He is so full of himself!"

One of the girls started.

"What did you think he would do in the first place? He would come and beg you come to with him?"

Another had carried on. There was a brief silence which travelled through the open space. The eight girls were sunbathing by the shore of a sea at a VIP beach in Vegas. It was an exclusive site to them.

Claire was there with them. The only person who wasn't there was... you guessed right. Yea, Jada.

"At least, he would have saved face. But now what? How is he going to do it?"

Another girl had argued.

"Let's assume that he came to beg or apologise, which will never happen. Would you have gone with him? Would anyone of you had gone with him?"

That was Mira creating a stray stance. She was the first to come with something quite reasonable and controversial.

"I mean, I would have. But it would be based on a condition. I mean, we all know how dangerous the elites are."

Laurette had argued further.

"Me too. I would have."

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