The turned billionaire heir

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The turned billionaire heir

By: Unique CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 257 views: 33.8K

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He was just an ordinary hardworking gentleman but then, series of betrayal occured and he found himself suddenly turned to a billionaire. Just like that?

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  • Abraham Esther


    i love this book but can this author update often? Its annoying because the update is too slow

    2023-03-11 19:28:19
  • Oluwaferanmi


    The book is dope!..... Just that I wish they would know he is a billionaire soon and they would stop trampling on him...

    2023-03-11 17:06:58
  • Joliven Calimag Guzman


    This story so boring and no thrill, jack always pity and no connection even he is a wealthiest heir but still pity roll. Not interesting anymore

    2023-03-11 00:51:59
  • David Vega


    I'm tired of this all the sudden they are rich stories all of them are the same is so lame. son in law stays rich in secret been a wimp and with no backbone, same with the college heirs stories. to act like a man towards there new status and act humble but with class....

    2023-04-10 07:35:44
  • Johanne Bonegre


    don't get me wrong, the story is amazing but it starts being a little bit annoying with the repetitiveness of the way Lucian has been treating.

    2023-07-16 03:23:38
  • Johanne Bonegre


    The author take to long and keep repeating lines after lines and make the story longer. I think it's time for Lucian to let people know who he really is instead of letting people walking and spouting trash about him.

    2023-07-16 03:20:31
  • Oluwaferanmi


    xoxo... I'm loving this

    2023-03-31 21:19:57
  • Alulu Venh


    love it. hope everyone enjoyed reading this

    2023-06-26 01:36:11
Latest Chapter
257 chapters
chapter 1
The sound of the dark crickets along the dark alley hastened Jack’s footsteps as he hurriedly rushed towards the direction of the town hospital, not wanting to break down. It was a dark, cold evening with rain pouring down in its own large quantity while Jack hurriedly rushed. But it seemed like the more he rushed, the more the road seemed Farer. What could he do? The sound of his footsteps was also the only thing that could be heard as he kept running. Everywhere was deserted expect few cabs which were moving in search of desperate passengers.He didn’t have the money to go with a cab. The least he could do was just to get drenched in the rain in a bid to save his dying mom who was lying sick and needed the urgent money for surgery.“ I have to save mother?” he whispered within himself continuously until he got to the hospital. He checked the time. It was few minutes to 8. That means he was still early to get the money deposited for the operation to take place that Wednesday. He had
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Chapter 2
“ Hello baby, how are you doing? I missed you” he sent and texted back. He wished Clara, his girlfriend was here with him. He missed her so much but he had to choose his mother over her. Not like he wasn’t in love with her, he loved her so much and would not trade her for anything in the world but then, circumstances happen. He wished that he could take care of her the way he wanted. if only...He waited for few minutes and since there’s no response, even though she had always acted that way, he could not help but feel so bothered. He hurriedly log into her social media and searched for her recent status. He was shocked to see her share a post of a luxurious party.Jack stared at the photo for a while and suddenly feels sad for her. He felt angry within himself also. It seemed as if he was making her suffer. He was sorry that he could not give her the life she wanted. He was sorry because he was not wealthy enough to make her enjoy what money was all about. He knew she would be cravin
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chapter 3
The next morning,. Jack hurriedly stood up from his bed and switched on his laptop. Today was the day of his presentation and he could not afford to miss it for anything. He had hurriedly had a lot of things saved in accordance to what he had saved earlier.Finally, his dreams was gradually coming to pass. He could not afford to miss it for any reason. At least, for the position he was expecting.Nervous, scared and fidgeting, he clicked on the files he was going to present in the presence of big investors and CEOs. If something went wrong, it would be a big blow for him.He hurriedly presented it as if he was in the conference room. Happy that his plans were gradually coming to pass and satisfied, he switched off his laptop and went ahead to meet his girlfriend who seemed lost.“ Baby” he said, smiling and walked up to her, she seemed so downcast which made him wonder if all was wrong.An idea suddenly struck in his mind and he smiled.Oh, she must be very worried about me. He though
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Chapter 4
The moment he had clicked on the drive for them to see what he was presenting, he smiled and looked at their faces. He was expecting to see that they had approved the presentation. But then, five minutes, ten minutes, they said nothing but held shock on their faces.Are they not supposed to be happy? He thought, wondering what the problem could be. He was sure of what he had done. Could it be the video he had played for them to see? He thought and glanced at them. The moment he turned towards the big board, his eyes widened in shock.What the hell? He thought in bewilderment as he hurriedly looked at the drive in his hands. It was the same drive he had saved the files and he was sure of it. No one else changed it.What’s this? He thought as he stood rotted in a position. This was a pure definition of embarrassment.In the video clip that was supposed to have his presentation saved, it was another video that had a stripper dancing around the Pole while a lot of ladies were spraying mon
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Chapter 5
Everyone in the company began to watch the video. They could not believe that a cool and reserved person was also working in a club.With shock on their faces, they looked at him in scorn. Each time they passed his office, they would always point at him while they looked at him in disgust.At that moment, it looked as if his world was about to crash. Was he not supposed to be appreciated instead? Why was this happening to him? He did not bargain for all these! This was too much for him to bear!Yet, no one would understand him. They would not understand that he did not seem to know what was going on and how the clip got to his hands.Why was his world crashing around him, instead of it to be revolving around him sweetly? He thought and lowered his head.Everyone in his office would not even let him rest. The fact that the video was even on loudspeaker while they talked about him was so annoying. All he could do was just bury his head in shame.At that moment, someone barged inside and
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chapter 6
The both of them were handcuffed and dragged to the police station while Jack looked at his girlfriend angrily. She hurriedly hid her face because she did not want him to see her.Feeling so embarrassed, she decided not to go. All through the times in the van, his best friend would not stop smirking at him. He wished he would rub him off the earth at that very moment. The person he trusted? He kept on wondering till they got to the interrogation room." Tell me, how did it happen? What you did could have led to murder, do you know?" The police officer said and brought out his pen and notepad." He cheated me and…"" Officer, that's not even the truth. If I tell you the truth, you will be so scared to the bones!" His best friend said.Thinking that he may want to tell the truth, he paused and looked at him." This guy here is a rapist!"" What?" Jack exclaimed in shock. A rapist? What has that got to do with what was going on? Hold on, was he being framed or what?" A rapist? Can you k
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Chapter 7
He looked around him in confusion, wondering what the hell was going on. He was here to pick him up? Were they mistaken or what? How could someone just suddenly come out of the blues and save him, then, all of a sudden, due to what he did not even understand, they want to pick him up. What if he had been saved just because he wanted to be used? After all, there were cases of stories of people that had been used for their own benefit all in the name of saving them! Just as he thought about it, he looked at them. The man that opened the door earlier was dressed in black Italian suit which aroused his suspicions the more. At that moment, three people he assumed to be some bodyguards came out also and lowered their head. From his assumptions, they looked so mean like someone who was ready to fight. That was where he lost it. He was fully convinced that something was wrong somewhere. He looked forward and discovered that he had a means to escape but then, he realized that even if he w
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chapter 8
The young man walked towards him and smiled as he lowered his head while he looked at him in shock. What the hell was going on? Why were this people greeting him? Was it perhaps to let him officially welcome him to a gang or what? He thought. The man that lowered his head looked so manly and composed. Even the cloth he was clad in was far more richer than his. It looked as if he was in a very strange world under the earth. " Welcome sir" the person said and lowered his head smiling. Sir? He thought. All his life, he had never been addressed as a sir! He had never been respected with formalities. What the hell is going on? Have they perhaps mistaken him for someone else? He was just a commoner. A low being. A guy that was still supposed to be in the prison at the moment. A lost guy that had no hope anymore. That was whom he was. Why then would someone just come out of the blues and start to address him as what he did not know and had never heard of? He was very confused but then, i
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Chapter 9
My precious? He thought in confusion as he looked at the middle aged woman. What did she mean by that? Why was everyone confusing him for the wrong person? How else did he want to explain that he was not even that type of person they must have thought he was? He thought and looked at him in shock." Ma'am, I think you need to understand something here. I'm not your son or whatever you may…" Before he could complete his statement, the woman had given him a very tight hug that he thought that he would suffocate at the moment. What was wrong with all these rich people? Did they not recognize their own anymore? He turned as he looked at her in shock. Just then, he sensed something. It looked as if the woman was really shedding tears. She was sniffing so hard that he thought that something was wrong with her." Ma'am, I'm not your precious or whatever you may think…" he said, hoping that she would understand but instead, she smiled as she looked at him and disengaged from the hug. She st
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chapter 10
" Of course yes!" She said and smiled as she looked at him which made him wonder if he had thought about that so loud. He looked at her again to see if she was really joking about everything. He still did not understand how a stranger like him, at least he was until now, would just be bestowed all these. " My son, you will be the heir to the Kings empire. It's all yours. All that is in there is yours. Just come back home, please. Don't leave me here, they will hurt me again," she said and held his hands. She did not want him to leave her sight ever again. But then, everything was still so glaring and shocking to him. Just yesterday, he had thought that he was poor and he would also die at the prison with no hope of coming out and now, he was scared to grasp the fact that he was a wealthy heir. Like seriously? Not even just an ordinary heir, but a powerful heir. Not even just powerful, but an influencial heir. He now had the power to command. He had the power to do and undo. He had t
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