Chapter 76

The Platinum screen shimmered elegantly in front of Xing Wenghu, displaying a similar two options to the ones he was presented last time.

[User may select between the following two options.]

The first one revealed itself to Xing Wenghu as an upgrade to his speed. It would multiply the increase in his speed to 10x his normal speed and even remove the health debuff activating the speed gave him. However, it came as a large cost.

He would never be able to wield a gun again.

The second one offered an incredibly fancy destructive gun. That slowly refilled it's ammunition automatically and had a large rate of fire with no recoil. It even featured a weightless perk, allowing Xing Wenghu to effortlessly use this as a new style of fighting instead of beating the ass of his opponents.

However, Xing Wenghu knew what to choose without a moment of hesitation.

He pressed his hand to the icon of the first option. This was the one he would choose. It would grant him only but a portion of his true
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