Hunter Vs Hunter
Buratia, Northern Continents, Earth


“King Davyd?” Dreygo said upon the sight of a young man, plastered with confidence and shiny armor. He took an arrow from his back and placed it on his bow.

“Yes. I was sent by my Lord, Nebirus.”

“Finally. He helped.” Dreygo sighed.

“Glad to be at your service. Heroes of the three realms.” Davyd smiled.

‘Heroes? There is a good ring to it. I was called a murderer by a lot of men. Now, Heroes.’ Dreygo smiled.

“Now, all we have to do is kill this scumbag,” Dreygo said.

“I did not realize that Nebirus had Kings as his Lieutenants. As my Lord Kragus suspected. He is waiting for your emergence, three Kings!” Pride said.

The cold wind blew harder and colder. A heavy and terrifying aura now emanated from Pride’s body.

“No, Dreygo. Just stand back. I and Viriel will handle this.” Davyd suggested.

“Viriel?” Ice cold crept on his spine up to his shoulder. His emotions jolted as he saw the Angel of the third rank

“Surprised, Dreygo. Thanks for t
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