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A combination of Greystone and tiled exquisite marble constructed the Imperator Atrium as it emphasized the beauty of Heaven Country Decadia. Decadia was one of the strongest cities, adjacent to its capital city Manuheim, of the Heaven World. The Imperator Atrium was the center for angel warriors. Its backyard sprawled acres of training ground for aspiring angels and second and third-ranking angels. The front yard, like most other grandiose structures, manicured a precarious landscape of flowers, palms, and fountains. Viriel sauntered inside the Atrium, his face plastered with worry. His depressed feelings were compensated by the strong but harmonious scent of flowers and oil that heaved the atmosphere. But even so, this meeting might be the end of his career as an angel warrior. The angel walked past towering statues of fallen heroes from the first Realm Wars of Heaven and Hell. He could still feel their intimidating presence even though they were already composed of carved marble
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“Who are you guys?” This was the first statement Officer Sho asked his rescuers. They already escaped the hospital and the Officer knew the Hospital escape routes and passed along emergency exits that only hospital staff knew. He had experienced a hostage case Tsengshe hospital and the first thing they assessed was the building's blueprints and exit points. They exited the Hospital a few minutes before the place was surrounded by his fellow officers. The police officer settled himself in the back passenger seat of the car and Dreygo was in front. Officer Sho was heavily gasping for air. He knew that the Triad won’t stop if he was dead. Typically, Triads did not like Officers with unshaken integrity or it might spark something motivational for other police officers to do the same. Hence, bribery in the police force would be a great predicament for underground activities. “I am Elaine, and this is Dreygo,” Elaine replied. Her voice was soft, trying to soothe the shocked officer. “Wh
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Fish Coast, Tsi Luen City, Cheena, Earth *** In the largest fish port of Tsi Luen, the Zi Lok clan had converted an abandoned warehouse into a drug operation made subtle as a fish business a front. There were hundreds of forced slaves inside the facility and ten armed Demon thugs. The moon was high and the place was quiet, only small distant fish port lamps gave the environment faint illumination. A perfect time to attack stealthily. They planned to take down demon thugs one by one from outside and then push inside. Viriel had taken his matters to Azakiel and looked for him for confrontation. Hence, they could not rely on the Angel momentarily. Elaine positioned herself on top of a crane, seven hundred meters from the facility. She had her sniper rifle and settled herself stable, digging her eyes into the sniper scope. Sweat drenched her forehead as nervousness mixed with immense worry loomed but she disregarded her pessimism. Hunting was her wild hobby when her father was still
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That cold stare from a traitor had boiled the Harbinger, such a high and mighty being stoop so low. Being a traitor was beyond reason, especially if you are serving the Heavenly Supreme. The heat from the pyre behind their backs grew hotter as Azakiel's aura outwardly grew. The Harbinger knew that his current power level could not par a ranking angel but fear never visited him. He would any adversary in front of him. But having second thoughts, Dreygo was hesitant to attack. He surveyed escape routes by only using his peripherals. Even so, escaping an angel would be stupid. He could only run and hide while the angel could fly. “Is he one of us?” Officer Sho asked Dreygo. "Unfortunately, not," Dreygo responded. "Dreygo Mondus, Harbinger of Lith under the wing of Demon Lord Gluttony, Ashmoth. I now sentence you your death." The angel taunted as he ambled closer to them. Suddenly, the breeze bit their skin and the atmosphere became heavy. The harbinger was not sure if it was the n
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“How did you find me?” Azakiel asked, he scowled from an expressionless face. “My two friends here prayed for me. The girl is a prophetess, his connection to me is stronger, stronger than cellular phones.” Viriel responded with a hint of humor. "You are in a losing team, Viriel. Even with a prophetess with you. Kragus employs the oldest among the prophetess." Azakiel struck a smile but the worry was still on his expression. “Why did you side with Kragus, Azakiel?” Viriel asked. His voice was still calm, trying not to provoke a fight against the other angel. “I grew tired of watching these humans prosper and sin grows wildly. These humans deserve a lesson and suffer punishment. I could not understand why Arkeus did not invoke a global cleanse to create a world anew, free from sin.” Azakiel said. “It is true. Sin is growing but it does not give Kragus and his minions the right to destroy the world. Genocide is not always the answer Azakiel, you know that. Sins will grow back with pr
Demon Ascension Undead Demons
Tsi Luen City Outskirts, Cheena, Earth *** Officer Sho laid out a map on the table, and across him were Dreygo and Elaine. There were a lot of empty chairs in the said pub which allowed them to discuss matters without possible prying eyes. Hanging lights gave illumination to the place and four ceiling fans gave little air circulation. Each one of them had a beer in their hand - a simple celebration of a successful attack. They were sure that Zi Lok’s operations had made uncomfortable adjustments to compensate for their loss and lost a significant number of slaves. Human trafficking was hard to come by. The officer could imagine Chien Sung, Zi Lok’s leader, face upon the knowledge of his major moneymaker burned to ashes. There were possibilities that they had to move their operations to another city but it would take time for them to recuperate. Viriel had to be present in Palpines as to avoid suspicion from the higher-ups. But at the same time, monitor Azakiel's movement if possib
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“Get to the car. Fast!” Dreygo screamed at both Elaine and Officer Sho. They saw Dreygo’s eyes widen in fear. Dreygo had known about this kind of demon, they forced themselves to take over hosts and turned into mindless monsters in the process. Kragus may have orchestrated these possessions to create a larger army. Summoning these demons would give a heavy toll to the Hell God, considering the portal restrictions, a particular spell should be used. But these were different than the demons. Monster as they were, they growled with hunger, salivated at the first sight of their prey, and had no full control of their souls. They were designed to wreak havoc in whatever place they are deployed. The undead demons started to sprint toward them like a pack of wolves. “Don’t look back!” Dreygo shouted to them as they were nearing their vehicle. Dreygo was behind them and the demons ran faster. One caught Dreygo’s back, a deep scratch had torn his shirt. Without hesitation, the Harbinger tu
Demon Ascension The Demon Lord of Wrath
Tsi Luen City, Cheena, Earth *** A man, in his early fifties, wearing a gray suit, perched at the edge of a sixty-story building’s roof deck. He enjoyed the strong wind that blew against his body and challenged his balance. The moon was high and bright but the stars were faintly visible caused of the polluted skies. Towering structures constricted in a populated city and various hues of lights streaked in all directions like it was always Christmas. The man inhaled the air as he had never experienced it before, although it was dusty, it was extremely better than the air in hell - the smell of blood and rotten flesh even in the cold continents. “What a great city!” The man said to Belrag who stood behind him. “This city is mine, Zerath!” Belrag replied. The man opened his palms to the air, placed them outwardly, and once again made deep inhalations and exhalations. “Such beauty. Hmm,” Zerath chuckled, “Even I have this old human body but I can feel the power coursing through my v
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It was the rain that woke Dreygo up. The gentle drops of the rain like small drums on his small hut roof had struck him with nostalgia. His head rang hard as if he had been asleep for years. His knees teetered as he tried to stand from the bed and found himself leaning against the wooden wall. His energy was drained maybe from the long slumber, he thought. He tried to think of something, but he knew that the world he was in was not a memory, nor the past, it was a new world. The feeling of nostalgia had suddenly visited him, escorted with pain, and depression. The reason was vague for the emotion he had experienced. He feared ever digging further into the root of what rumbled inside his stomach, deep in his thoughts something had lingered. He knew only sadness was waiting for him if he ever fathomed the reason. He took gentle strides outside the bedroom, his sole felt cold against the wooden floor. The woodwork was great, greater than he could ever build. The shack was small, and the
The Forbidden Spell
“Elaine, start the incantations!” Viriel suggested. “We will triangulate him.” Elaine opened the book of Forbidden Spells. “Dreygo ready your weapon.” “Wait! You said, there is a sacrifice, what is it?” “Do not to worry, Dreygo. Just do your thing. Keep Kragus weak and I will do the rest. Viriel, hold him again with your vines. He had no powers at the moment but we have very little window of opportunity here.” Viriel summoned again the vines, now they were deadly as ever as Anacondas in the deep rivers of Amathon. The pointy sharp tips of the vines like-blades, weaved through Kragus's body. Kragus incinerated them eventually, but it gave a heavy toll on God as his knees trembled right after. “You can all stop what you are doing, and I will reward the three of you. Kings and Queen of realms. You will have power and riches you can never imagine.” Kragus tempted, his words bubbled with blood. “Stop with your lies, Kragus. You are going to die now.” Dreygo said as he stabbed his swor
Four Horses II
The Portal Keepers were giants riding with horses twice as large as cattle. They did not speak; their presence spoke for themselves. Their empty rustic helms held no face, only a long mantle of torn cloth that covered their bodies. Skeleton arms were mounted with rustic armor and gauntlets that held their weapons. Kragus was even silenced as their horses set foot on the ground. They stopped neighing and the horses stared at Kragus with a deadly intent and one portal keeper glanced at Dreygo. The harbinger was stunned by their presence as if one move would kill him instantly. He could not read their intentions, their plans, or how they fight, they just stood there as if they were greater than the God in front of them. The Hag finally drowned in her own blood and dropped dead to the ground. Elaine released a heavy sigh after their skirmish of black magic. She won, defeated a Century-old witch but it gave out a large toll on her. Weakly she stood against Viriel but happiness was plastere
Four Horses
“Now, Dreygo. This will be my last offer. Are you going to join me or join your comrades who had died in battle?” Kragus asked. He recovered and a mantle of aura could be sensed from afar. The Seer was beside him, delivering the Ferrum Minus back to God’s hand. “Welcome back, Lord Kragus.” The Seer whispered. “The clock is ticking, Dreygo. What are you going to do? I do not have time to wait all day. There is so much to do.” “Just kill me now, Kragus. I do not want to join with the likes of you. A scum to the realms! You made me what I am today, and you have shared your power. This does not give you the right that you can bend my principles. Kill me, if you don’t, I will kill you.” Dreygo answered. “So, you are determined to keep your decision on taking a God like me, even if it's impossible. Dreygo, I like your persistence. You have come this far and become the most powerful being in Hell, second to me. It is sure that I admired you, even from the start. You are my creation and my
Hag of Surprise
As the Nocturnals and Kragus’ fight pressed on without any form of stoppage, the ground shook hard, an earthquake, so strong and abrupt. It was not because of their fight but something more dubious happening underneath them. The ground cracked and depressed as if they were pulled down to a hollow space underground. Dreygo ran himself to safety to where the cracks stopped. The birds flew everywhere as if the whole mountain was shaken. The fight between the Hell god and the Nocturnals had stopped momentarily. Something burst out from beneath the center of the crater and suddenly, vines sprouted. They grew so fast as if their growth were accelerated a billion times more than normal. The vines became larger as they emerged and crawled towards the air vertically. They intertwined so grotesquely but beautifully; one could not understand the combination of the natural design with less feeble-minded beings lesser than the gods. As it grew almost a kilometer high, the branches sprouted outwar
Mysterious Beings
“I know you’re out there, Dreygo!” Kragus called out. His voice was fierce but calm, but somewhat tired like a man drank too much but could still hold his composure. The Hell God sauntered closer towards where Dreygo was hidden, his sword dragged against the ash ground. Dreygo went out from the shadow of the boulder and made himself visible to his enemy. His beast transformation was still intact, it was a good thing he thought. Now, the only question that flooded his thoughts, can he defeat the weakened Hell God? or was it another Hell God’s misdirection. He had to secure victory for this fight and should give his all, no second chances, otherwise it would mean the end of the three realms. “Well done, Kragus. You have proven yourself the most powerful of all three realms. Then, what’s next? Sit yourself on the throne and turn the realms like hell?” Dreygo responded. “We will cross the bridge when we get there, Dreygo. The offer still stands. Stand by me and you will become a God. I
The Selfish God
It was too late. The Kraken was only a diversion and Arkeus had fixated his attention on killing it. Even Dreygo and Sarakiel had bought the same distraction. It gave ample time for Kragus to rally strength to conjure his ultimate weapon. His Solar Flare and Hell Freeze combined. Flame as bright and hot as the sun and frozen wind gust freezing everything it touches, both phenomena in one plane on opposite sides and Kragus was at the center. It created a dome around the two Gods, it was faint at first, but it became more visible as time passed.A dome made of flame and cold chilling air combined, it seemed that Kragus’ ultimate power was a God killer, Dreygo thought. The look on Arkeus’ face was stunned and surprised. Dreygo and Sarakiel was outside of the dome, but they could see passed through it. Dreygo could not explain but the dome was horrific to look at. Never in all his waking life had seen such powers of opposite character were merging into one. Even science could not fathom a
Ultimate Powers
The Templar’s Hall cracked open as two Gods clashed each other with their unfathomable might. Kragus summoned a flame that engulfed his arms and Arkeus with his wind and lighting on both palms and with tremendous speed and energy, everything was devastated as both clashed together.And as the dust settled, the two gods were both gone, only the rays of the sky light shone through the devastated ceiling. Sarakiel had difficulty in standing up as his skin was burnt. But he was healing. Dreygo followed as he jumped through the ceiling and landed on the garden outside the hall. He found them just over the outskirts of the city boundaries as the clash continued, just at the foot of the mountain Stoic.He could feel the small quakes of the ground trembled below his feet. Lightning came and a gush of a deadly wind all in one place where the fight transpired. Flames and Ice also towered as assumed Kragus with his attacks. Dreygo ran towards to where the fight took place. It would take him ten
Demon - Angel - God
Just right before Dreygo had to jump for an attack, Kragus faced him and said, “Remember, Dreygo. Remember, who you serve and remember the stakes for killing me. I know you have prepared on the knowledge of conjuring the Forbidden spell.” The Hell God smiled. It gave Dreygo a jolt of memory of the powers the coursed through his veins were just borrowed from the Hell God.Sarakiel sauntered to the dead angel bodies and took one sword lying on the ground. Without hesitation Sarakiel moved almost unnoticed by Dreygo as the former grasped the sword. Sarakiel poured everything on his sword attacks, even shouting at every strike. Dreygo could feel the heavy reverberations of steel hitting against steel in an incredible showcase of skill. It was intense and fast. But Kragus just defended them all with his sword, wide and light, almost effortless and without even delivering a single counter attack himself. As if Kragus was just observing or relaxing as their skirmish lengthened. It was seemin