Chapter 33
The sunlight finally shines on the world again. But two couples who both feel this pain are still hanging around outside.

They calmed down while looking at the beautiful sea experience. The calmness could be felt with the gentle breeze blowing towards them.

Carbonated drinks were drunk until they ran out to relieve their stress on that day. Since then, they kept silent because they were satisfied with the beautiful view of the beach. Hazre silently looked at Rosalina who was sitting next to him.

"Are you relieved now?"

Hazre said, breaking the silence. His eyes were still looking at the view of the beach.

"A little... But I feel calm when I can see a beautiful scene in front of me. Even if my life is destroyed in the blink of an eye."

Hazre understood him very well because his heart also felt his pain.

"Perhaps what we have experienced now is the key to us becoming stronger. And stay away from people who have been covering everything.. our joy in life. I think this is my chance to find
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