Chapter 12: The Headmaster

“One of those souls took over his body just months before you came back. He's the reason how I found this place and the other souls."

"Can he see you?"


An old man with white mustache and gray hair, standing taller than the both of them, stopped just two meters away from the two.

"This is the very last place you would wish to be in, Mr. Freyr."

"Am I in trouble?" Elio doesn't seem to be too concerned about what he got himself into and who he was facing, with his still blank face and soulless eyes directly staring at him. He's great inspiration for what expression he chose to use might be the fact that he knew that he isn't the real Headmaster.

"You are. But the lucky thing is that I found you, not anybody else."

"How do you say it's luck?"

"Because I am the Headmaster of this Academy, Mr. Freyr, if you happened to forget."

"Then why is it luck when you are the Headmaster? I should be in so much trouble because you're the highest person in this place. Did you happen to forget
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