[ETOEB1//57//] The Werewolf

Chapter 57

The Werewolf

Carter's POV:

I closed my eyes so as not to see my bitter death but then in a flash I felt someone caught my hand. I opened my closed eyes when an unknown shadow caught my eye.

I could not face it because of the light from the steep sun that surrounded his side and I was dazzled so I could not fully open my eyes.

The light disappeared immediately when his dark cape hit my vision until I lost consciousness.


"Ricky...! Sandra...!"

I woke up anxious.  The bed was soft and the blanket was milky white.  The surroundings are clear. There were photos displayed on the wall.  There is sunlight coming from the window, when I look at it there are beautiful trees and plants on the opposite side.

Where am I?  And what happened?

When I regained consciousness, I realized that I was in the dormitory where I lived.

I have no clue what happened.  Until a streak of a short

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