Chapter Seventeen: Last-Minute Adjustments

Blood shot everywhere with the dust and shards, all of it showering over Rein while she ducked for cover. She peered over her shoulder with a look of sheer panic and saw Pryce's arm and leg protruding from behind what was left of the rock: the only parts of him that hadn't been crushed by it. They simply dangled there by their tendons as crimson poured from the mangled limbs and surged down the wall like a stream of magma.

Rein couldn't tear her eyes from the scene and she trembled to the point where she struggled to regain her footing. Somehow her ability to process everything around her had vanished. She felt something caught in her throat: a sob or a scream, she couldn't tell which. Finally, she brought herself to shoot down the tunnel and escape the horror scene before she lost consciousness. She exited the palace, soared over the wall, and dove into the icy Sirene Lake to was

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