Played the player

“Attack every structure… leave no stone plastered to its core, all of it down.” He ordered, wise from the start he had laid his plan and each was falling in place, the capture of their now ownership production site was proof. Ben had cooked this idea in a split second… Brian anticipated his moves but surprisingly Ben knew he would, so he let him think he will go with the same idea and walk into a slaughter house smiling the butcher knife blinding with the silver reflection it glanced back, but all meanwhile he had his actual plan in his back pocket. So, he made Brian think he was trying to escape so he can tighten his security, pull more guards, and eventually be easy as answering one’s own questions… the rage in Brian’s eyes, the disappointment in his heavy breaths was confession it worked like magic. So, the two chess players sat, at their pieces they were thinking, Brian had all the pieces minus some few pawns but Ben… the soldier was outplaying him with knights and bishops, one by
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