Chapter 31: Anti-Heroes

After Liam, Peter, and the others destroyed Zuveria, Alicia and her siblings with their partners are brought into another dimension called Ricia. This time, Alicia and her siblings with their partners have their memory recovered.

Unfortunately, all of them are separated into 3 different locations; Alicia and Thomas in the north of Ricia, Aidan and Gabby in the east of Ricia, and Annie and Jackson in the south of Ricia.

At the north of Ricia, Alicia and Thomas woke up in a forest.

"Ow! My head. Where...where are we? Honey? Honey, wake up!", said Alicia.

"Darling? Where...where are we?", asked Thomas.

"I...I don't know. It looks like we're in a forest, but it looks like we're not in Zagary."

" do we even get here? I don't even remember anything."

"Me too. Wait a minute...I remember that we were looking for a portal. I suspected we were being sucked by the portal and we somehow...arrived here."

"Do you think this is Cindy and Melinda's work?"

"Who else will do such of thing othe
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