As the "STANDBY..." message remained on the middle and the sound of static buzzing from the television set became the center of attention of everyone who had been watching the trail from wherever they are, Paul and Steve remained sat, leaned forward and staring with their foreheads scrunched denoting scepticism while their minds were perplexed as to what had just happened. The two men of varying ages sat in silence for a couple of seconds with each trying to first come to an understanding of what just happened on their own before they even attempt at asking the other for their input.

Because the silence had gone on for too long, even though it had only been seconds, Paul decided he would just get it over with and because Steve was the one who had been watching the trail since it started and he had just joined him when this happened, maybe the younger man would have a better clue than he who obviously didn't.

"What in the world just happened?"
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